Friday, April 17, 2009

The satva

On 27th of April, it will be one month for me in which I did not eat onion garlic at all. On 27th March, it was Gudipadwa and it is the new year start for the hindus and especially auspicious day for the maharashtrians. So, I took it as a new year resolution not to eat onion, garlic even, so as to increase my satva level, and by akshay tritiya, when I would have finished my second advanced course, it will be complete one month with Meghana Wagh not eating onion and garlic. It is really nice because once you completely attain this satva, I think you gain the true spiritual bliss, the eternal happiness.
It may be the case for some that they in spite of eating onion and garlic and even taking tea and coffee may gain satva. But at least I have felt that the thoughts in meditation become negligible when you stop taking all these things. The eternal happiness increases and once you gain that eternal happiness, or as it is called the spiritual bliss, you just don't feel like leaving it.
I really miss the satsangs a lot. It has been a long time since I attended one. So, let me pray to Guruji that he will make me attend one soon.
Jai Gurudeva!

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